
Living well is to live a Lifestyle which promotes Healthy Mind (Peace - Clarity), Healthy Body (Chaste - Pure), Healthy Family (Love -Bonding), Healthy Society (Gracious- Selflessness) and Healthy Finance (Providence- Sharing). Achieving this is the Ultimate ..... and Glorification is but of Him alone to whom it belongs.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


What is this all about? Is it supposed to be hidden and obscured: not to be mentioned at all? Is it taboo?
There are many questions and comments on this but did all those media or the acceptance of those who do not fully understand confused us?
Am I an expert on this you might ask? I might not be but I have taken some very strong points from those who are very well grounded (of strong morals) and if I may say that I regurgitate out what they believed in for I believed.
Does being sensual a natural part of sexuality? Perhaps we could get a further understanding of this from: http://www.theologyofthebody.net.
Let me side-track on our frail human self. The pleasures of the flesh is insurmountable perhaps driven by the acceptance of certain segments of society that it is okay to have pre-marital sex, to use contraceptives (which promotes a promiscuous lifestyle), to have abortion (an easy way out without any sense of responsibility), etc., etc.
The area of pornography is another 'introducer' (if I may use this word) to sexual behaviour which is very much a perverted concept of what sexuality is. The body is beautiful and is a masterpiece (art) created by God and pornography degrades our sensuality to animalism. On hindsight this degradation is making a mockery of our true identity (body and soul) which is and was in the beginning created by God.
Sexuality is part of our true identity ie. who we are as a person and a human being (male and female). Our sexuality is expressed through our senses. This sensuality permeates in our being towards the opposite sex which is very much a natural instinct just like the animals have. BUT we are not like animals in that we have this intelligence because we were created in His (God's) own image. We have this sensibility in that we think and are able to decide.

Through our sensuality we derive pleasure when we act. Pleasure is a natural accompaniment and perfection of a human action. As such the moral character depends on the moral status of the action it accompanies. Thus, the pleasure of a morally good act is itself morally good and worthy of pursuit as part of a good activity. The pursuit of pleasure becomes morally suspect only if it inclines one to act in ways that are somehow unreasonable or disordered.
All human beings desire pleasure in one form or the other. Thus, unless human desire is utterly perverse, pleasure must be good. It must be unthinkable that God who created mankind out of love, should have created us with utterly perverse desires. But common experience also reveals another darker side of pleasure. For the lure of fleeting, empty,and even destructive satisfactions is an undeniable part of the human condition. Many spouses have deeply hurt those they love and wounded their own lives, by servile pursuit of adulterous pleasure. The desire for pleasure can lead us away from things we know to be good - even from good things to which we would like to remain deeply committed. Pleasure, in short, can enslave us.
Thus pleasure has a complex character: it is a good thing but one which - more than other good things - can lead us astray. Consequently, any account of pleasure which implies that it is essentially a bad thing, or that it is always good, must be rejected as oversimplified.
(this paragraph was extracted from Catholic Sexual Ethics by Rev. Ronald Lawler, ofm cap).